Worried you can't make cannabutter at home without fancy equipment? Have no fear; I'm here to show you how easy it is to make stovetop cannabutter in a mason jar with simple step-by-step instructions.
Gather your ingredients and equipment. Preheat the oven to 240° F to prepare for the decarboxylation process. Using a digital scale, weigh the cannabis flower you plan on using to your desired weight.
Put the flower into an oven-safe container with a lid, like a mason jar. Ensure the flower is in an even layer for the cooking process, you do not want clumps or mounds. If you don't have a lid, then aluminum foil will work.
Place the jar in the oven and bake for 40 minutes for THC-dominant flower or 90 minutes for CBD-dominant flower. Your decarbed cannabis will have darkened in color.
After the correct time, remove the jar from the oven and allow it to cool enough to handle.
While the jar is cooling, prepare a water bath on the stovetop. To start, fill a saucepan 1/2 way with water and place over high heat. You want enough water to cover the contents of the mason jar but not too much that it spills out of the pan. Once boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer over low heat. If you have a digital thermometer, now would be a good time to use it. You want your water bath to range between 160-180°F.
When the mason jar is cool enough to handle, remove the lid and put it in your butter stick or oil.
Wrap the bottom of your mason jar in a clean towel and then carefully place the mason jar in the water bath, ensuring no water overflows. By placing a towel on the bottom of your pan or the bottom of your crockpot, you reduce the chance of a jar cracking or breaking.
Once the butter has completely melted, allow the jar to simmer for 2-4 hours, checking the temperature of the water occasionally.
Remove the jar from the hot water bath and prepare to strain the mixture. You can do this with cheesecloth, a fine-mesh strainer, french press, or a coffee filter. Th
While still liquid, pour the butter into silicone butter molds and individually portion-sized trays, or leave it as-is in the container. If using silicone molds, place the molds on a baking sheet before filling to prevent spilling melted butter everywhere.
Enjoy your stovetop cannabutter in your morning coffee, on toast, or in all of your favorite baked goods.
Store according to the storage instructions below.
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