Use up all parts of your homegrown cannabis plant with basil and parsley in this easy-to-make, savory cannabis pesto that can be enjoyed as a dip, on meat, served over vegetables, swirled into pasta, used as a spread on sandwiches, and more.
Start the oven broiler on high. Evenly spread out the chopped walnuts on a foil-lined baking sheet.Place the baking sheet under the broiler and watch closely, stirring every 2 minutes until perfectly golden brown.Remove the walnuts from the oven and let cool to the touch.
For the Pesto
Add the toasted walnuts, minced garlic, and Parmesan cheese to a food processor and begin to pulse in 5-second intervals until all ingredients reach a fine consistency.
Add the basil through crushed red pepper to the food processor. Turn the processor on medium speed and blend all ingredients together for 60 seconds.
Turn the food processor down to medium-low speed. With the processor running, very slowly pour in the Bliss oil followed by the olive oil.
Continue to blend for an additional 60 seconds or until all of the ingredients are broken down and well incorporated.
Store the fresh pesto in an airtight container, like a mason jar, in the refrigerator or freezer.
Serving Size: This recipe makes approximately 2.5 cups or 40 Tablespoons of pestoDosing Instructions: If you're using ½ cup Bliss MCT oil, this will provide 300mg of THC and 300mg of CBD for the entire batch of pesto. You can divide this number by the final number of serving sizes to determine the final dose. 300/40 = 7.5mg THC/CBD per Tablespoon. Alternate Infusion Options:
Raw Cannabis Leaves: Replace 1 cup of loosely packed basil with 1 cup of loosely packed cannabis leaves.
Leftover Cannabis Pulp: Add ¼-½ cup of cannabis pulp as an extra ingredient in step 1.
Decarbed Cannabis Kief: Add ½ gram of decarbed cannabis kief in step 2.
Cannabis Concentrates: Add according to your tolerance level. Mix into the olive oil before adding it to this recipe.
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