If you haven't already, wash your cannabis roots well, chop them into 1/2" pieces and set them aside to dry. Dry at room temperature or in a food dehydrator. Once dried, grind them up into a fine powder.
Place the ground cannabis roots in a pint-sized mason jar.
Pour the alcohol over the cannabis roots. You only need to add enough alcohol to completely cover the plant matter. Screw the lid on tightly and shake gently.
Place the jar in a cool, dark location like a cupboard or the freezer, and leave it to infuse for anywhere from 24-hours to 6 months. See notes for timing. Shake occasionally.
After your desired soak time, strain the tincture through your preferred straining system, separating the plant matter from the alcohol, into a clean mason jar. A coffee filter works well here.
You now have a cannabis root tincture. You can choose to evaporate off some of the alcohol if desired.
Store your final tincture in a dark bottle in a cool, dark space.
You do not need to use the total 7 grams of cannabis roots called for in this recipe. You can use as much or as little as you want. For a small starter batch, start with just 3.5 grams.
Only use high-proof alcohol; the higher, the better. Lower-proof alcohol, like vodka, is not ideal. Use this guide to finding high-proof alcohol, if needed.
*You do not need to use the total 4 ounces of alcohol; you need enough to cover all cannabis in the container you are using. Anything more is a waste.
*How long to soak? I’ve seen traditional, long-soak tinctures steep anywhere between a few hours to up to 6 months, or longer, in some cases.
If you want to evaporate some alcohol, follow this guide to evaporate the alcohol from the tincture safely.
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