Have you heard that delta-8 is a legal way to get THC? Unfortunately, the way it’s made can be potentially dangerous! Learn more about delta-8 THC, why you should stay away from these products, and where you can get safe products instead.

Test stating Delta-8 products are making people sick.


  • An overview of what delta-8 THC is vs. delta-9 THC
  • The potentially dangerous side effects associated with D8
  • Where to get safe products instead

There Are Different Forms of THC

Several forms of THC occur naturally within the plant.

With slight chemical differences, there is delta-8 THC (D8), delta-9 THC (D9), delta-10 THC (D10), and more.

These compounds work with the cannabinoid receptors in our endocannabinoid system.

Unfortunately, there’s some major controversy surrounding the delta-8 form of THC.

D9 THC is the form you may be most familiar with. It is considered a major cannabinoid because it naturally occurs in large amounts in a plant.

D8 and D10 are minor cannabinoids because they are only naturally present in very small amounts.

People claim that D8 can provide relief for those with chronic pain, migraine attacks, and other medical conditions.

Retailers love D8 because they believe it is a legal loophole, claiming it is legal at the federal level because it comes from ‘hemp’ plants.

Unfortunately, there have been an alarming number of claims of people reporting adverse reactions after consuming delta-8 flower, delta-8 gummies, and other delta-8 THC products like vape cartridges.

As concern grows over these products, New York State just ordered an immediate cease and desist for any company selling D8 or D10 products.

What is Delta-8? 

It is important to start with the fact that naturally occurring D8 THC is not inherently dangerous.

However, the cannabis plant does not naturally produce D8 in large amounts.

To get a large amount of D8 needed to make products to sell, it is chemically created from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD).

To convert CBD into D8, manufacturers need to use harsh chemicals, like dichloromethane, which emits highly toxic fumes when exposed to heat.

D8 can also be made with things like battery acid and pool chemicals. 

It is the chemical process used to create D8 that makes it potentially unsafe to consume.

Again, it is not the compound itself but the chemicals used to produce D8 and the leftover residual material that makes it dangerous.

Side Effects of Synthetic Delta-8

Delta-8 THC has both psychoactive and intoxicating effects (whether it is derived from hemp extract or not)

The FDA has severally received cases of people who have reported adverse intoxicating effects of delta-8 THC such as difficulty thinking and speaking.

Regular use might also cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS).

CHS usually leads to severe nausea and vomiting that doesn’t respond to typical anti-nausea drugs.

These effects will vary based on how the delta-8 is produced, the product’s strength, and the consumption frequency.

Large doses may cause more severe reactions.

Other negative side effects of consuming contaminated D8 products include:

  • Red eyesย โ€“ Red eyes, including continuously rubbing your eyes and trying to restore some moisture
  • Slowed reaction times 
  • Dry mouth โ€“ you will most likely feel parched as long as the Delta-8 molecule is present and active in your mouth. 
  • Anxiety โ€“ although Delta-8 has been said to alleviate paranoia, people who consume much have reported feeling anxious and jittery. 
  • Memory loss 
  • Trouble with coordination 
  • Rapid heart rate 
  • Headaches – migraine symptoms, cluster headaches
  • Digestive distress – in some situations, you may experience diarrhea or other digestive problems

While many companies claim their D8 products are safe, little research has been done on what is considered ‘safe’.

There is no way to distinguish between a ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ D8 product. This is why D8 is banned in medical marijuana programs across the United States.

Instead, other cannabis products, like D9, are recommended to treat various ailments effectively.

Lack of Regulation 

One of the biggest risks of using D8 products is its lack of regulation.

This lack of regulation increases the chance of dangerous contaminants in the products sold.

Keep in mind that D8 hasn’t been evaluated by the US FDA for safety and has been banned by some states, including New York.ย 

In October of 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both put out health warnings about D8 THC. 

Delta-9 is Safer Than Delta-8 

Cannabis use is supposed to be health-promoting, but using chemically derived D8 is not. 

Delta-9 products provide safer effects because they are naturally occurring, extracted through safe processes, and are already highly regulated.

This makes delta-9 products a safer choice than delta-8 products. 

In my shop, I have D9 THC gummies available, providing the euphoric effects you may be looking for.

This is a better option if you want a full spectrum option that will leave you feeling amazing without the possibility of dangerous contaminants.

Have You Been Harmed by D8?

Many people have come to me and told me the D8 product they tried has made them sick. Has this happened to you? Let me know in the comments below.


About Emily

Hi, I’m Emily Kyle and I teach people just like you how to use cannabis to find joy, enhance productivity, improve relationships, and naturally support your overall health and wellness.

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  1. Fifty year smoker in Texas here. I have come to believe that what most people are selling now is Delta-8. At first I thought it was really really good weed. The rolled joints had an oily residue on them that I put down to the sticky buds. It also had a way more “potent” smell to it. But the more I smoked of it, the worse I got. The cotton mouth was a lot more severe, and headaches and digestive distress much more pronounced, continuing on into the next day and even the day after. Also, we bought some weed in Miami from a delivery service and ended up throwing it away after a few days. I had just quit smoking at home for two weeks and tried it again last night. Never again! I don’t know what this @#$% is, but I do know it’s causing me to stop smoking. How could I confirm or tell exactly?!? Thanks. signed Heartbroken Hop Head

    1. Hi Tim. It sounds like you’ve had a particularly rough experience, and it’s understandable how disheartening this must be for you, especially after so many years. The symptoms you’re describing, such as severe cotton mouth, headaches, and digestive distress, are definitely concerning and not what one would expect from traditional cannabis use.

      Delta-8 THC, while legal in many places, does interact differently with the body compared to Delta-9 THC. The oily residue and potent smell you mentioned could be indicative of Delta-8 products or other cannabinoids like CBD being added to the joints, which might explain the unusual effects you experienced. These compounds can vary widely in their effects on different people, and the lack of regulation in many areas means the quality and purity of products can be inconsistent.

      To confirm what you’ve been smoking, the most reliable method would be to have the substance tested by a reputable lab. This, however, might not be easily accessible or practical for everyone. A more feasible approach might be to purchase from a trusted source with products that are tested and clearly labeled with COA’s, allowing you to know exactly what you’re getting.

      Stopping smoking, especially after such a long time, is a significant change, and it’s important to listen to your body. If you’re experiencing adverse effects, it might be a sign to take a break or seek out alternatives that could be more agreeable with your system.

      It’s also worth consulting with a healthcare professional about your symptoms to ensure there’s no underlying health issue being exacerbated by your consumption.

      Remember, the landscape of cannabis and its derivatives is ever-changing, with new products and strains emerging regularly. Staying informed and cautious about what you consume is key to enjoying the benefits while minimizing the risks.

      Take care of yourself, and I hope you find a path that works for you.

  2. Iโ€™ve been taking Delta 8 for a little over a year and I have been in and out of the hospital several times, maybe around four or five times within the last year and come to find out itโ€™s due to the chemicals and harsh effects of Delta 8 I have had CHS twice a nd finally stopped cold Turkey I will never pick up another gummy again.

    1. Hi Hannah. I’m so sorry to hear about your experiences with Delta 8 and the health challenges you’ve faced as a result. It’s brave of you to share your story, and it’s an important reminder of the potential side effects and reactions to synthetic substances. Making the decision to stop using something that’s harming you is a significant step, and it sounds like you’ve made a wise choice for your health. Wishing you a smoother path to wellness ahead. Take care.

  3. I have been ill for weeks with GI issues, IBS, reflux, burping, severe diarrhea and after reading your guide I believe itโ€™s delta-8 thatโ€™s causing these issues. I thought it maybe my thyroid as I am being treated for hypothyroidism as all my thyroid levels have dropped below normal and my temperature is hovering between 96.8-97.2. I have a pituitary tumor. I assumed this was the result of the damage from 40+ years of dealing with this adenoma and the damage from its ever changing size.
    I appreciate the information. I purchased some gummies clearly labeled delta-9 but hidden in the contents list delta-8. The label is a foil metallic print. You can barely make out the ingredients. We know why now.

    1. Stephanie, thank you so much for sharing your experience, and I’m truly sorry to hear about the difficulties you’ve been facing with your health. It can be really challenging to navigate these issues, especially when it involves substances that can be misleadingly labeled. I’m glad that my guide could provide some clarity for you! Take care and sending lots of healing vibes your way! ๐ŸŒŸ

  4. Yes I have been harmed by D8 products. They would give me cluster headaches and migraines like crazy to the point where I was on the floor crying in pain several times. As of typing this I have what feels like a mega alchohol hangover and feverish shaking and muscle soreness. I am officially DONE with D8 and I really want to see this cash grab banned!

    1. I’m really sorry to hear about your painful experience with D8 products, Daniel. It sounds incredibly tough what you’ve gone through. Your health and well-being are the most important things, so it’s good that you’ve recognized what’s harmful to you and decided to stop using it. It’s alarming to hear how severely it affected you, and it raises concerns about the safety and regulation of such products. Sharing your experience is brave and can help inform others who might be unaware of the potential side effects. Take care of yourself and I hope you recover fully soon.

  5. I recently tried one delta 8 gummy at 25mg. I spent the night vomitting and shaking uncontrollably. I had hallucinations, diarrhea, vomitting, extreme dizziness and the inability to walk. My parents almost took me to the er as i was certain I had overdosed even though i only took one. It took several cold baths between rounds of vomitting and diarrhea before i could be laid down on the floor where I laid down crying, vomitting and shaking.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Cat. I’m incredibly sorry to hear about the distressing symptoms you went through after taking a delta 8 gummy. It’s vital for stories like yours to be shared to help inform others about the potential risks and reactions. Your courage in detailing what happened is appreciated, and I hope you’re feeling better now. Sending good vibes your way!

  6. Was using D8 vape pens but they were destroying my lungs. It was so incredibly harsh and the hits werenโ€™t consistent.
    So I decided to switch to a D8 edible that were 175 mg per gummy and the recommended dose was half of one, which I followed. They were definitely stronger but I expected this. I was good the first week or so, but then started noticing I would get clumsier, absent minded dizzy and slightly nauseous.

    A few weeks ago, I took the recommended dose and felt like I was hit by a train. I was literally questioning my existence. I had crazy cotton mouth, dizziness and awful nausea. Spent the better part of 4 hours laying on the bathroom floor vomiting and almost on the verge of a panic attack. The only thing that kept me somewhat calm was knowing that it eventually would pass and I wasnโ€™t going to die. Felt like I had a full blown hangover the next day which was probably just dehydration and low blood sugar since it was impossible to eat.

    Iโ€™m still not sure if it was the d8 itself or maybe some other suspect ingredient or chemical used in the extraction process. A friend of mine who works at a dispensary said it was most likely the anxiety causing me to throw up.

    Needless to say they went straight into the garbage and Iโ€™m now trying a low dose D9 lozenge which is 2.5 mg per.

    The D8 gummies I was using were Torch brand XXL

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your tough experience with Delta-8 THC vape pens and edibles. Side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, and even severe reactions you described are possible. The harshness might stem from the chemical processes used to convert hemp-derived CBD into Delta-8 THC, potentially introducing harmful substances.

      The lack of regulation for these products might also increase the risk of dangerous contaminants, which suggests the problem could be the extraction process or other ingredients. Switching to a low dose Delta-9 product, which is naturally occurring, involves safer extraction methods, and comes under stricter regulations, is often advised.

      Listening to your body is key, and it’s good that you’re exploring alternatives that feel right. Trying lower doses or different cannabinoids can help. I hope your new choice brings you relief and better experiences.

  7. I’ve been sick for about a week. Nausea, weak stomach and dizziness. I recently moved to a new area and am forced to buy delta 8 and hhc products from a headshop. I am 100% sure it’s the d8 and hhc product. Switching back to regular d9 bud today. Hoping this nausea goes away because I start a new job Monday. I use thc for mental health reasons.

    1. Hi Bobby. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unwell, but appreciate your sharing your experience. It’s important to listen to your body, especially when introducing new substances. Switching back to what you know works for you sounds like a wise decision. Good luck with your new job on Monday, and I hope you feel better soon!

  8. I use to be a regular weed smoker but quit several years for a job I had, recently I tried a delta 8 vape and got just as high as I did off of delta 9 flower..I quit using because it was very harsh on my lungs and had to hit it 20 times a week later to get same results..I noticed I had cotton mouth way worse and even had a couple days after quitting.. after reading all the comments it gos to show you how messed up the laws are in some states..I can’t legally smoke a natural plant with out facing legal issues,but I can legally smoke something that has very little regulations and can cause more harm then good..makes no sense..just like alcohol being legal and marijuana not..was an alcoholic from age 17 to the age of 35..I’m still paying for the alcoholic life and have been sober for around 17 yrs.. sorry,kinda went off topic,just makes me mad that they can sell poison and not a natural plant..

    1. Hi Daniel. I’m sorry to hear of your struggles. It’s unfortunate how the legal system treats cannabis compared to other substances aand very frustrating that a natural plant faces more legal scrutiny than substances that can be harmful. Your journey from alcoholism to sobriety adds another layer to the discussion. Thank you for sharing your perspective. Sending healing vibes your way.

  9. Tried a strong D8 D9 D10 gummy. Nausea, intoxication, barely able to walk. Almost 24 hours later and I still feel like crap.

    Never had any of these issues on standard D9

    1. Hi Alex. So sorry to hear that you are having a bad experience with the frankencannabinoid gummy. These synthetic versions of cannabinoids often have unpredictable and potentially dangerous effects on the body. Sending all the healing vibes your way!

  10. I took one d8 gummy and had a full blown panic attack, I couldn’t breathe. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. I got extremely pale and threw up. Extreme cotton mouth and dry eyes. I am a regular d9 smoker so I was so surprised that these had such a negative effect on me. Never again.

    1. Hi there, Tomah. I’m really sorry to hear about your distressing experience ๐Ÿ˜” It’s evident that d8 didn’t agree with you and that must have been quite scary. This is a prime example of why our company has chosen not to support or use d8 products at this time. We believe in offering products that promote well-being and comfort for our customers. Please consider consulting with a healthcare professional for advice tailored to your individual circumstances. Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body and only use products that make you feel good and safe. If you ever have any questions or need recommendations, feel free to ask. We’re here to help. Take care! ๐Ÿ’•

  11. I am currently taking D8 and D9 tummies. I think the bottle says that it has both types in it. I have been vomiting and/or diarrhea for weeks now. I’m ready to give up. Thanks for what you do.

    1. Hi Jeanna. Double check the label of the gummies and stop taking if you see D8. Hopefully you will notice an improvement in your symptoms soon after stopping. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further guidance. Sending you healing vibes. โœจ๐Ÿ’–

  12. I took D8 gummies for a few weeks. I started feeling nauseous and vomiting at least once a week. I stopped taking immediately.

    1. Hi MG. I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling unwell after taking D8 gummies. It’s great that you listened to your body and stopped. Your health and comfort are priority and there’s a range of other options available that could be a better match for your needs. I hope you’re feeling better!

  13. I tried D8 because I am over 60 and have developed insomnia. My dad had it i and I think I may have gotten it from him.

    I never smoked pot in college. Then I went to law school and I never touched illegal substances because I was not going to do anything that risked my ticket. I had to retire due to serious arthritis so i donโ€™t worry about urine tests anymore.

    Recently I tried D8 because a lot of people were saying it was good for sleep. I donโ€™t have a history of cannabis use so hyperemesis syndrome probably isnโ€™t my problem. Quite soon after trying D8 I came down with the worst nausea & vomiting. I have had bouts that last several days. I have been so sick that I dumped 20 pounds. (As it is I am underweight. I could not afford to lose that weight.)

    I did research and found nothing other than information about people who are heavy, long term users of cannabis. Which I am not. I am so grateful to find this since I didnโ€™t know what was causing it. Now I see that it might be my D8 gummies.

    1. Hi Legal Chi. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us. I’m sorry to hear about the discomfort and health issues you’ve been dealing with. Some research suggests that Delta-8 THC can cause nausea and vomiting in certain individuals. It seems like in your case, the D8 might be contributing to your symptoms. Please consult with a healthcare provider to discuss this further and determine the best course of action for your situation. Stay safe and take good care of yourself!

  14. For anyone wondering what helps with CHS, Nausea, pain in upper stomach, excessive sweats and throwing up. Hot water helps ease the symptoms. In some cases stops them almost immediately. If you find that hot water has helped it is most likely CHS and the only real fix is to stop using any cannabis product. I know it’s a hard thing to accept but it is true I am a living example. I went through almost 4 years of misery before finding a testimony of someone with the same symptoms from new Zealand. This was in 2010 CHS wasn’t really talked about. I discovered it laying in the hospital bed and brought it up to the doctor and he even at the time new nothing of it really. So upon discharge after the symptoms had stopped I completely stopped any form of thc. Never got sick like that again ,only years later when I attempted to use thc casually and got sick and stopped. D8 has cause the same reaction for me just not as fast and also now I think in moderation it may not cause a CHS flair up . Since using d8 I have got sick a few times over the past year but am trying to find a moderation balance. I know if using only at night for bed I experienced no ill effects in a two year period. Only upon upping the intake to a sporatic through the day and a bit more did I start to feel the symptoms of CHS. Sorry for the long post and I’m not sure if it all will make sense when read but if you are going through it it most likely will. Also Hot shower or bath helps!

    1. Hi Dee. You’re absolutely right about the symptomatic relief that hot water can provide to temporarily alleviate the nausea and other symptoms associated with CHS, but this is just a temporary measure.

      Thank you for sharing your personal experience with Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS). It’s brave of you to discuss your journey, and your insights can be incredibly helpful to others going through similar situations.

  15. I almost never comment on anything posted but I have to weigh in too. I was born a redhead and thereโ€™s a theory that thereโ€™s a mutant gene in redheads that give them a very high tolerance and Iโ€™m a prime example. My hospital chart says โ€œHard to sedateโ€ ? I have alcoholism in my family so I try not to go overboard there and read about the delta products a few weeks ago decided to try it. Got a delta 8 gummies that absolutely worked but my tolerance kicked in quickly and they didnโ€™t work as well. I tried different types over the next few weeks minor high, thatโ€™s it. So I bought an indica delta 8 and D9 indica vape. Started using it got a small headache no big deal, then gradually I got nauseous couldnโ€™t eat much, have vomited a couple times but now it just water headache is a bit worse eyes hurt. I couldnโ€™t for the life of me figure out whatโ€™s wrong, then I saw this (after querying symptoms) spot on, Iโ€™ve used the vape probably no more than 20 drags over the past 4 days. It has to be it. Iโ€™m think Iโ€™ll take it back and try to get a refund Iโ€™m not using it again.

    1. Hi Beth. I’m sorry to hear about the discomfort you’ve been experiencing. It’s important to listen to your body and stop using any product that causes adverse effects.

      Your decision to stop using the vape and seek a refund sounds like a wise one. Your health and well-being are the most important things, and I appreciate you sharing your experience.

  16. Since December 2022 I have not been able to eat sleep or have bowel movements
    My hair and nails have broken.
    I am practically bed-ridden

    1. Hi Suzanne. We are so sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing these issues. It must be incredibly challenging for you, and I can only imagine the impact it’s having on your daily life. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional about your symptoms as they are best equipped to provide personalized advice on your symptoms.

      In addition, I encourage you to explore resources and support groups for people experiencing similar health issues. Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can offer valuable insights and understanding. Wishing you all the best on your journey to recovery!

  17. I had an accidental exposure to Delta 8. A chocolate bar was left in my refrigerator and I didnโ€™t know it had the product in it. I am a 57 year old female that takes medication for AFib. Because the bar did not have an outside wrapper, I do not know how much I actually consumed, but it was a dreadful experience. I thought that I was going to die. I felt like I couldnโ€™t breathe and like I was going to throw up. I could stand on my own. I was extremely paranoid and light and noise sensitive. I could not function. I wanted to go to the hospital. When we found out what it was and who had left it there my husband said that I should just lay down and it would wear off and I would be ok. It took 6 hours before I began to come around. It was absolutely awful. I still was not clear of mind the whole next day. This is very scary to me. I cannot imagine what might have happened if a child had gotten a hold of this. I cannot believe they sell and market this stuff legally.

    1. Hi Rose. I’m so sorry to hear about your distressing experience. It’s really important that all products containing substances like Delta-8 THC are clearly labeled and stored safely out of reach of those who shouldn’t consume them, especially children. Accidental ingestion can indeed be very frightening, as you’ve unfortunately experienced.

      Your experience underscores the importance of responsible usage and storage of cannabis products. I hope you’re feeling better now, and I appreciate you sharing your experience as a reminder for all of us to exercise caution and responsibility with these products.

  18. Took Delta 8 to calm my nerves – I got so ill & could not stop being nauseous. Nothing helped. It must have damaged my gut because I lost 25lbs in 2 mos after taking it – I would feel so sick trying to eat & also stomach pain thatโ€™s hard to describe in stomach & upper rt side (gallbladder?) Doctors were clueless & it took 2 mos to get over the change Delta 8 caused in my system – avoid at all costs (I even ordered from large legitimate company) It just does something negative to most people who have tried it. Never ever again. Youโ€™ve been warned – smoking is best & safest way to enjoy cannibid imo.

    1. Hi Babz. I am so so sorry you had such a horrible experience. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. Keep spreading awareness!

  19. I bought some delta eight gummyโ€™s in Key West to help me sleep after having knee surgery. I was only taking a quarter or less of the 10 mg gummy and it seemed to be helping. One night I had severe knee pain, so I took a little more than half of a gummy. I was hallucinating and sick and nauseous beyond belief. I vomited violently for several hours and was absolutely out of my mind, hallucinating, dizzy. This has never happened to me before. I will never ever take delta 8 gummies again.

    1. Hi Jo. I am so sorry to hear of your horrible experience, but thank you for sharing with us, as it helps raise awareness of how awful Delta-8 really is. Sending good vibes your way!

  20. I have a history of Galbladder issues along with other chronic pain conditions, so I used to have a medical prescription before moving to a state where it isn’t legal for anyone medically except cancer patients. I use D8 OTC because it’s my next best alternative, and have been for basically a year straight now. I hadn’t had any problems until recently, where I’m having such bad stomach pains that I’m sick :< Hoping switching to D9 will fix the problem.

    1. Hi Thorin. We are so sorry to hear of your recent problems, but thank you for sharing your experience with us. Sending you healing vibes for a quick recovery! โœจ

    1. Hi Doreen. We are so sorry you are experiencing this, but you should stop using it immediately. Cannabis use is supposed to be health-promoting, but using chemically derived D8 is not. In our shop, we have
      CBN Sleep Gummies that provide safer effects and offer a better option if you want a full spectrum option that will help you sleep without the possibility of dangerous contaminants. Sending you healing vibes! Feel better soon.

  21. I had some D8 and I have been throwing up stomach bile for hours, it wonโ€™t stop. I canโ€™t even keep water down, if you want to get high figure out a different way because let me tell you D8 is not the way!

    1. Oh no, Ella! We are so sorry you are experiencing this, but thank you for sharing. Keep raising awareness!

  22. I have pha/nta indica delta 8. I accidently took a whole one instead of half and an hour later I was face down in the toilet rage puking for over an hour. It wasn’t fun.

    1. Hi Kayla. That is horrible to hear. I am so sorry you went through that! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  23. Yes, I have been negatively affected by delta-8. I reported to my prescribing doctor the symptoms that I was experiencing and he informed me of the dangers using it and scheduled a six-month follow up. Thanks for keeping us informed!

    1. Hi Tamara. I am so sorry to hear you going through this and I hope you are feeling better after ceasing the use of Delta-8. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  24. I was using delta 8 products on a fairly regular basis. Like 3 to 4 times a week. I came down with a sickness that has lasted almost 3 weeks now. The symptoms were extreme fatigue, headaches and mainly really extreme chest congestion. I went to the Dr’s twice, was given antibiotics and they did nothing. I ended up using dayquil and mucinex dm which finally seemed to help. Was it the delta products? I don’t know

    1. Hi Debra. We are so sorry to hear of your health struggles, but hopefully, you have ceased using Delta-8 products. Glad you are feeling better.

  25. This stuff should be made illegal! I love the delta 9, but after the experiences I had with D8 I will never touch anything again! Needless to say it has put me in a bad medical state that has lasted for over 2 months. This stuff messed up my gut, and as another person wrote it has been a process to eat anything. In addition it causes nerve damage. States need to regulate as this stuff is rogue and is a menace to society

    1. Hi RJ. I am so very sorry to hear of you horrible experience. They allow toxic synthetic products to be sold, but prohibit a plant and all its natural benefits. Sounds backwards to me.

  26. Yes I’ve been affected negatively by D8. I have had all the uncomfortable symptoms mentioned in the article. People like myself need to get educated on these products. Thanks for the article and i had no idea how delta 8 was derived.

    1. Hi Blake. I am so sorry you had a bad experience! Thank you for sharing with us. The best we can do is keep spreading awareness to those who don’t know otherwise.

  27. So. I got some from a kratom store the other day to try. Regular Delta 9 is too much for me. I have generalized anxiety disorder and PTSD. I read that Delta 8 doesnt cause anxiety of paranoia. Boy, what I wrong! I took it at about 9pm at night. I went to lay down by 1230 am. I couldn’t sleep. By 230am I was shaking out of control with cold aches and headaches. I went to ER because my chest was feeling tight and I couldn’t breathe. After 7 hours and many tests in the ER, they let me go with no issues they said. This was 2 days ago. I’m still stuck on the couch with cold chills, sweats, and massive headaches. Feels like I’m dying. NEVER TAKE DELTA 8

    1. Hi Dumb aahh. We are so very sorry to hear of your horrible experience with Delta8. We try to warn as many people as we can so this doesn’t happen to anyone. Stay hydrated and get well soon! ? Thank you for sharing your experience.

  28. Delta 8 just feels “off” to me when I do it. It also seems to make me very nauseous. It also burns my sinuses really bad for several minutes after vaporizing. I bought two carts from a dispensary in SC almost a year ago and I’ve never finished them. This alone says a lot.

    1. I am so sorry to hear this, Cam ๐Ÿ™ That sounds like a terrible experience! I hope you are feeling better now.

  29. Yes itโ€™s been a month since I smoke delta 8 and I have headaches and high blood pressure .. itโ€™s terrible

  30. I had a terrible experience. I consumed one D8 gummie and within an hour I had to lay down. My heart was racing and I had trouble controlling my breathing for several hours.

  31. Happy to share Emily.. My experience with D8 was quite interesting! As I have been pretty much a life long thc consumer, there are also times when I wish to ‘give it a rest’ per say.. This is a tricky affair actually, and can be rather severe regards withdrawal symptoms. Nonetheless I have done this many times over the years and so.. I know the drill. The vaping bud option over the last several years is pretty awesome but also quite the narcotic affair lol and so, although less pressure on the lungs it still is less than ideal for a Flutist. This past summer I came down with something. No big deal but it can give a head start on the detox thing and so I went for it. Two weeks in someone gave me D8 gummies to try @ 10 mg per and I started off with one, but little to no effect. Two days later took three and that was a bit much lol then two then one and a half and then back to one. The opposite of what ‘resistance’ would normally mean, to my experience anyway. But the thing that is worth noting here is that it completely neutralized any withdrawal symptoms getting off thc, which can be pretty rough (as someone who has done it many times) Then, I noticed the D8 high was a bit headachy and so.. that was the end of that!! Now with winter coming here in NY I found my way to your site, thinking about the tincture thing, as I can be or have been influenced by the S A D thing. Ok Emily.. you got me to share! Best .. Jeff

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to share, Jeff! And good luck with the tincture making process ๐Ÿ˜€

  32. Hi Emily,
    thank you for writing about this. I don’t take hemp products. A friend thought he was doing me a favor and gave me a gummy saying it was good for sleep. I sleep well anyway and took it because he said he wanted to test it and see how well it works. He didn’t tell me it was delta 8. I woke up about 2 hours after taking the gummy and vomited the rest of the night. I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t open my eyes because of how dizzy I was. I would vomit, feel a tiny bit of relief but then it would start up again. It felt like the drug was in the back of my brain wreaking havoc on my balancing system. Never again for any CBD products. I’m very sensitive to things and all I ever need for whatever symptom I’m experiencing is to take a homeopathic. I do not need things that hit me over the head or in this case to punch my in the stomach.

    1. Gosh, I am so sorry to hear this happened to you Alessandra ๐Ÿ™ Thank you for being brave enough to share your experience with others here.

  33. Tried a Delta-8 vape pen for the first time on Thursday night (3 days ago) and have been nauseous and vomiting ever since. I called poison control and they said there was likely a contaminant in the vape pen. Got a prescription for Zofran but itโ€™s not helping much. Canโ€™t hold anything down, not even water. Might go to the hospital if I donโ€™t feel better today. I will NEVER do ANY type of vape again.

  34. I actually worked at a Delta 8 shop, it’s called the holistic co. They make their own products. Their products seemed good. Enough I was stoked to get a job there. One night the owner who I found out very quickly is fake as she can be had these chocolates they were thinking about collaborating with and asked me to try only 1. I have a super high tolerance btw. She ended up leaving shortly after and I was alone at the shop after consuming and prob 30 min later, I called her slurring my speech and running into walls. I could hardly talk and I take meds for hi blood pressure & I had told her that previously. My heart was racing out of my chest so bad and I was starting to have a hard time breathing. Owner acted annoyed bc she just had left. She kept saying “I don’t know what you want me to do” and then told me to call her back if things get worse. I was desperately trying to tell her to watch her camera of me that I was not ok. We got off the phone. I was so so terrified that I was going to die so I ended up having to call her back and tell her either she was coming or I’m calling 911 bc I don’t want to die. By the grace of God I was able to make it home. I got home, was slurring and heart racing so I took my bp and it was 185/105… extremely high!!! I asked my family to check on me after I changed my clothes ( they said like 5 min later they checked on me) and next thing I remember was waking up the next day. I am so blessed to still be here. Sorry this was such a long story but one of the scariest nights of my life!!

    1. Oh my gosh, Kiki! I am SO sorry this happened to you ๐Ÿ™ Thank you so much for sharing your story here, I hope it helps others!

  35. Omg! I have been wondering about this because I have enjoyed regular D9 edibles with no issues but as soon as I tryed D8 for a little while it was ok but soon enough I got really and I mean really sick ! Throwing up/nausea so bad I couldn’t even take a sip of water or eat for more than 10 days NO joke lost more than 40lbs and went through about the worst pain of my life ! Dr called it cannabinoid somethin syndrome I just assumed I was allergic to anything with cannabis so I stopped taken everything and it helped me with my pain and sleep soo much I miss it the high was just a bonus . I’m just terrified to try regular d9 products because it was the most miserable time of my life!!! I don’t know what to do because I hate taken pain meds and I’m on alot of them and d9 made me go from taken 5-12 10-325 oxycodone/oxycoton to 2-4 plus I have to take sleeping meds and I don’t with d9!!!

    1. Gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your experience, Zack! I wish you all the best as you try and find what works best for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Tried edibles for the first time. I knew nothing about Delta 8 and was surprised that any kind of THC was OTC. I couldn’t move off my chair without being extremely dizzy and nauseous. Started to panic because instead of dissipating, it seemed to get worse as the hours went on. Finally slept it off. Never again!

  37. I stopped using my vape pen with Delta 8 because it increased my anxiety and caused shortness of breath. Some of the other side-effects that are listed but I didn’t equate with Delta-8 have also been problematic for me.