Welcome to a new episode where we delve into the transformative power of cannabis in managing ADD and ADHD. Our guest shares a deeply personal journey of using cannabis to navigate panic attacks, anxiety, and a significant life transition. Tune in for an authentic and inspiring conversation about the healing potential of cannabis and its impact on mental health.

- Release Date: Monday July 3rd, 2023
- Episode Number: Season 1, Episode 28
- Special Guest: Missy Conley
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Why You Will Love This Episode
In this personal episode, we’re joined by Missy Conley, who shares her authentic and powerful journey of self-discovery and healing with the help of cannabis.
Missy opens up about leaving her husband at the start of the pandemic in 2020, a decision that led to her experiencing panic attacks and intense anxiety. She discusses how, without cannabis, she believes she would have had a nervous breakdown.
She delves into her challenging transition from Ohio to Texas, recounting the fear and uncertainty she faced. Through it all, cannabis has been her steadfast companion, keeping her relaxed and calm during this tumultuous period.
Currently using delta-8 due to Texas laws, Missy is eagerly awaiting legalization to create her own cannabis edibles line aimed at helping people cope with social anxiety, panic attacks, and bodily pain.
Missy talks about her current journey of rebuilding herself and her future plans. Her story is a testament to the healing power of cannabis, particularly for those dealing with ADD and ADHD symptoms.
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Missy as she bravely shares her real and authentic story. This episode promises to provide valuable insights into the transformative potential of cannabis and its role in mental health management.
Full Transcript
Missy: ADD is a challenge like that all the time. Some things you just, if were made this way, you just can’t do anything about it. You must learn to live with it. And the best thing that I’ve ever learned is if you fall, you got to get back up, and you get good at that when you have ADHD.
Announcer: Welcome to the Well With Cannabis Podcast, a show dedicated to telling the life-changing stories of those who live well with cannabis all while teaching you how to do the same. Meet your host, Emily Kyle, a registered dietitian nutritionist turned certified holistic cannabis practitioner. Emily changed her life for the better with the help of the cannabis plant, and now she’s committed to helping others do the same.
Tune in each week to hear heartwarming stories and gain the knowledge you need to feel connected, inspired, and supported on your own cannabis journey. Whether you’re a new cannabis consumer or a lifetime lover, you’ll benefit from these uplifting tales of real-life journeys that will show you how you, too, can live your best life well with cannabis.
Disclaimer: Hi there. Before we jump into today’s episode, I wanted to share a note on potentially sensitive content. The episodes on the Well With Cannabis Podcast are created for adult audiences only. We will, at times, cover sensitive topics, including but not limited to suicide, abuse, mental illness, sex, drugs, alcohol, psychedelics, and the obvious use of plant medicine. Explicit language may be used occasionally. Please refrain from watching or listening to the show if you’re likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics.
The information on this show is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice. If any of the content on this podcast has brought up anything for you, please reach out or speak to a professional or someone you trust.
Emily: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the Well With Cannabis Podcast, and I am here today with our special guest, Missy Conley. Missy, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for joining us and I’m so excited you have had quite the experience with cannabis and I’m eager to just get into your story, how did cannabis end up in your life?
Missy: Oh gosh. I think it came in, the way it does for a lot of people, it came in dabbling in it in my teen years and such. It just became over the years a way to comfort myself and think for myself. So that’s how I know more.
Emily: I love that you just said think for yourself because for cannabis, for so many of us, it just gives us this clarity and this insight into our own selves. And for a lot of women, it’s just such a comforting thing that we didn’t really realize cannabis would give us. We normally think of cannabis for pain relief and anxiety, but it’s those little special aspects of it that I love highlighting. You said you were having panic attacks, and if you’re okay with that, I’d love to talk a little bit about that and what’s happened with that.
Missy: I’ll just give you a little backstory. Like you said about cannabis popping in and out of my life, that’s how it started. I was having trouble in my marriage, and I guess that is where we should go. I had some girls at work that were like, hey, come over. You can hang out with us. I was isolated, just a bad guy, just me and him, and then, these girls, we started hanging out, and we started having all this fun.
Missy: It was experiencing cannabis in a different way because it had been in a negative context that I’ve experienced before; this was therapeutic. I ended up getting shipped an Instacart, and I took a two-week vacation from the warehouses I was working in, and I found out I could make better money. That ended up being my ticket to leave my husband. I had these girls by my side, so they were supporting me through it, and I was living in Airbnb’s and stuff like that. I was still having a lot of panic during the day while I was doing groceries; I was all by myself.
Missy: Then it was the pandemic and very stressed out. I ended up using cannabis during that time, during the time I was doing the grocery delivery. I could think more clearly while I was driving and focus better when I was doing that. It would take the shakes away from me I remember this one time specifically, I had my first panic attack in a grocery store in the line because the woman behind me was like, visibly in a hurry, and that threw me into my first panic attack. I was already nervous about being on my own. I was just scared, and it just triggered it. I was like, I couldn’t breathe. I had to sit down. And the woman passed me, and she didn’t even acknowledge me. I’m like, wow. People really aren’t aware of mental health issues, I just had that happen in public, but as I made my way to Texas, which is a whole different from Ohio.
Missy: I used cannabis until I got to like Arkansas, and then something in me like threw my stuff out and I said, “Oh, okay, Texas is like no tolerance.” I got down here, and I started using Delta-8, and that’s assisted me the whole way with anxiety. I was punishing myself because I’m like, this feels like it’s wrong, even though it’s legal, I didn’t want to get in trouble. I started using Delta-8, and that has helped me. If I didn’t have that, no doctors will give me anything to settle my nerves and I don’t want it anyways because I’m a prior addict. Using cannabis and Delta-8 has served the purpose of keeping my nervous system calm so I can think inside, so it’s beautiful.
Emily: I’m so happy that you found something that works for you. I can’t imagine going from Ohio to Texas. Texas is not cannabis friendly. I am really so sad about it. I’m glad that you have something at least that can help take the edge off a little bit. How has it been moving to Texas and using cannabis? I know you say you’re using the Delta-8. Do you find the culture is different? Are people nice? Not nice? How is it?
Missy: Oh, the culture. I think in Ohio I attracted those same people and I have a group of those same people here. It just, it started rebuilding itself. I have a couple of friends that take it regardless, and sometimes we’ll hang on the beach, and we’ll do that, and I’ll meditate, and everything will seem right. I use it for meditation a lot because I feel like I can hear what I would refer to as guidance clearer.
Emily: Yes. Oh my gosh. So, it’s funny, I was talking with another guest for the show, that episode, someone might already be listening to it after these airs, but she is a tarot reader and she was just talking about how cannabis has brought her such clarity and this intuition, this ability to listen to her inner voice. I would love for you to elaborate a little bit on how that works for you. We don’t talk about it a lot, but I’m finding everyone is having this very spiritual experience with cannabis.
Missy: That’s so insane that you said that because I have read cards since 2002. Oh my gosh. I just laid them down not even six months ago, because I’m working into them, they’re not in here, but my tuning forks. I do tune forks and energy work and I have seen some crazy, that’s a different podcast too, but amazing results with prayer and energy work. Starting out cannabis, I’ll tell you that part, that’s what cracked me open back in 2002. I literally was an addict back then. I was doing stimulants and cannabis at the same time. I also entered myself into recovery just to give myself credit.
Emily: My gosh, we’re all going to give you credit where credit is due. Congratulations.
Missy: Yeah, thank you. Back then, we were having people over, I was in hair school, and we just started playing with crystals and cards and things. A pattern developed that I was good at that. We started dabbling with those things, and people said, do a reading for me, do a reading for me. That’s when I could say, okay, I’ll just say it bluntly. When I’m smoking the real thing and sitting down with somebody, you might as well call your grandma up because I can hear her. It makes mediumship very easy for me. I think that’s why I laid the cards down; I want to make sure I’m doing the right kind of work.
Missy: And this seems like a more positive way to use gifts now. I think everyone’s gifted. They just must discover it. That’s what happened to me it connected me back to my intuition. I always tell everyone, I know I have an intuition and it works because from Ohio to Texas, that’s what I went on. It’s insane because I’m wanting my book to drop. I haven’t. I’ve got parts of it, and a book proposal started, but I want it to drop on my birthday because I really have a profound story to tell people about all of this. It’s super cool. I’m like, I want to help millions of people change their paradigm after they read my book. I feel that cannabis plays a huge part.
Emily: It does, and I just feel like everybody who’s gotten the chance to experience it now, just like you with your book, want to go out and tell the world, shout it from the rooftops. Cannabis is not what you are led to believe. It is this beautiful, magical plant that can enhance every aspect of our lives. It’s so amazing.
Missy: Cannabis is so wonderful. When I sit down, I’m really in the zone, and I can put my fingers above the keys, and they will just type. It’s amazing what has opened to me since I’ve begun using it. I wouldn’t tell anybody to overuse it and be careful with edibles. But it, at some point, can help you open to your psychic abilities, so that is amazing.
Emily: And interesting for so many people because so many people just think cannabis is just for getting high. When so many think people think cannabis is, maybe, for pain relief or anxiety relief, they don’t realize the other gifts that come along with it. I’m so glad that you brought that up.
Missy: Yeah, that’s cool. I think it’s opening different parts of your brain maybe. You combine that with meditation, and you’ll start receiving these beautiful thoughts, and then we’ll be like, is that real? And do I trust that? And when you’re forced into a situation where you trust it, you just go with it. That’s how I learned to trust it. I came to your website just to learn how to make cannabutter better. But use it for Delta-eight products. I could do that here and help people in that way. And they work. Don’t think that they don’t because they’re good.
Emily: Oh my gosh. It’s so amazing, though, you googled cannabutter. You found me. We’re here today. We’re singing the praises of the plant. It’s so special. It was meant to happen. I feel like for a lot of people, cannabis gives them that clarity and their ability to follow their path, their true path, not the path that society lays out for them, but their actual true path. And going back to intuition, I just, it’s like its full circle and it’s very special.
Missy: Yeah, and not to throw anything too big in there, but I think that there’s a bigger power that we can connect to. The bigger part of us is not with us. It’s, still in the spirit world. I think it’s kind of like that movie, Lucy, you see the chords coming down. I think we all have that connection with the divine. When we say help if we ask for help, which they can’t until we say come help, like free will. Once we ask for their help, they will come and surround us and guide us if it’s our fault for not listening though, if we don’t listen. But I tell you, yes, it pays off in spades because when I made that decision, and I was so scared to leave, and I packed my car and put everything I could into it that day, and I slammed the trunk, and I had 300 bucks in my pocket, and I left.
Missy: That was my intuition saying, you don’t belong in this toxic environment anymore. You’re too good for this. I don’t care how scared you are, you’re done because everyone will reach that point. I think I set myself free that day, literally because he didn’t agree with cannabis even, and Ohio had medical cards. He still said, “I don’t want you doing that in the house.” I said we can’t coexist together because I think cannabis would’ve made me tolerate him, and I have still been there. I didn’t do it in the house, I just did it with my friends. I would go over there for relief and girl time and stuff. Eventually, you get empowered with what you know you should be anyways. You should be free to do what you want. Have your own thought. He was putting thoughts into my head a lot. My ex. I think we call that gap.
Emily: That’s amazing that you were able to leave. I’m so proud of you. I cannot imagine how scary that must have been. How terrifying. Scary. But look at you now. You’re in a new life. You’re in a new space. It’s incredible.
Missy: I lived by the beach because I put that on my vision board. I did a big vision board in Ohio, and I guess the universe said she needed that the most because I spun out, and all these events happened, and I ended up, Galveston, Texas, found me.
Missy: It’s an island. I didn’t know Galveston was an island, at first. I didn’t, either. It’s this beautiful community with this little historical area with all these little shops, and that’s. One of my jobs is a fair-trade job where, you know. I tell people and educate them about giving back to things and stuff, and it’s, you can see how. How dumb to down we are from living in the United States that these people that don’t have water in Uganda are making things so they can get; it’s like we should be a lot more grateful because we’re so blessed to have been born in this country. But this little community has been also helping me.
Missy: They’ve been someone I put out to the universe. I wanted more clothes because I had no clothes. Literally wearing clothes I still wore in Ohio two years ago. This woman came, and she was like, the boss next door got sick. She ended up working on a different day. She took me to her house and gave me a whole bunch of new clothes. I’m like, that’s so sweet. When you’re at the bottom, rebuilding that, she’s an angel. These people will show up to help you if you choose to be brave and choose your worth.
Missy: Leave. God will send you, the universe, whoever will send you guidance and people to help you if you’re stuck in a situation; you can leave and know that you will be helped along the way. I saw evidence the whole two years, and that’s why my spirituality has really flip-flopped. My goal is to have a shop like hers and do the fair trade thing so I can start giving back since I was helped along the way. That’s what it’s about, is changing yourself. One person, if we all do our little job, we can help fix it, the government’s not going to help us. No have to.
Emily: Oh, my it, gosh, that is, So beautiful. Tell me a little bit about your beach house. I’m just interested because, oh, to make a vision board and then see it to fruition.
Missy: I’m so not a beach house.
Emily: Either way. You’re by the beach. Yes. Being by the beach is all you need. I have a house in Florida by the beach, not on the beach; it doesn’t matter. It’s by the beach.
Missy: It’s salty air, and it’s sea fog in the morning. Every day I crave going out to the beach to see that. It puts you in a state of awe. Like you’re again small, and there’s something bigger than you that can assist, and you could go out to the beach and feel replenished. There’s something about that. I think the universe is trying to fulfill our wishes one at a time. I had put up on that wall that I wanted to live at the beach because my parents brought me to Florida when I was a kid. And those are the memories, the good memories because we had a lot of bad memories. But those good memories were ones that were so strong. I wanted to live by the beach because of those memories.
Missy: I think your deepest wishes are what the universe wants to grant you. And when I put that on a vision board and the one. One thing that changed it too. I finally gave in, and I said, I put two people holding hands. I was walking along the beach, and I said, I want a loving relationship, and even if it’s not Brian, and that was the crack that I needed because I wasn’t supposed to be there, and I wasn’t letting go, and things swung into motion.
Missy: In April, I left him, and I never looked back. And these courses of events happened. I ended up in Houston for a year and a half. Doing Instacart and shipping all around Houston. That made me strong. I started going to Lakewood Church, even though this is another whisper from two years ago. I was in the middle of all this negativity, watching my laptop in the bedroom. And here’s Joel Osteen giving all this positivity out. I’m like, I think he’s teaching manifestation, but just in a religious way, Christian type of way. He’s telling people to speak things into existence and all this stuff. I was like, I wish I could go to that church. That church would be cool. I did three Instacart, my third Instacart around Lakewood. I’m like; I think I’m supposed to go to that church because I didn’t even know Lakewood was in Houston. It was insane. I was like, the course, my gosh, that happened.
Emily: What was your first time going? I’m interested.
Missy: See, my family was Pentecost. They went sometimes to a Pentecostal, so they raised the Holy Spirit and the church a lot, and that’s how it felt in there; even though we didn’t have to, it was very tingly and. You go into someplace dark; you can feel very dense and pressure-filled. This is so light. It’s almost tingly on your skin. Of course, everything’s bigger in Texas, so the church is enormous. It’s the compact center, the old compact center, and the Rockets won championships there. It’s loaded with all this positive energy, positive energy, and it was just absolutely, I sit there and cried for the first year that we went, and then we move over here, and we watch it online now.
Missy: Just for, you don’t have to investigate if you’re not into God, just listen to the positive parts. I replaced the word God with “the universe”. If that worries you, and that’s all you must do, and I’ve received all that positive, and I just cried it all cried all this negative out. Yes. It was such a beautiful time in my life that I got, I said, every whisper is heard, man.
Missy: I was sitting there. I’d go to that church, and it happened. I was like, oh my, this is crazy. I manifested back in Ohio. I did my crazy manifestations. I got my Kia Soul. And then when me and my husband, I swear, I think he cursed me when he likes, I wish that, she would didn’t have that car, she wouldn’t have income, and I wrecked my Kia. I think we have the power to do those things, to speak bad things too, especially when you have a lot of emotion around it.
Emily: I was talking to another woman who said that cannabis gives her the ability to feel so much more compassion and empathy for other people. And that sounds a lot like what you’re saying. Do you experience that as well?
Missy: I was like that from when I was a kid anyway. This just makes me like, okay, I had a bully for a while down here, and I had, I ended up praying for that person instead of, fighting back or yeah. I was like, my friend said they might be going through something that. It makes them angry, and I was like, okay, I’ll pray for them then. And then it just stopped. I’m like, Michelle Obama says when they go low, you go high. And it works. It works every time.
Emily: I don’t know if Michelle Obama would be happy with me incorporating cannabis into that, but when they go low, we go high. Honestly, using cannabis makes it so much easier to tolerate. Not tolerate but navigate. Those difficulties in life. It’s like a steadfast companion if you will.
Missy: I think it is a form of medicine. And I found that out when I found I started. Should I go get my vape? Should I go get my gummies? I was like, of course, you should. Your consciousness is your most important state of being. If I’m a nervous wreck. I’m not going to do any good at work. I think it calms my nervous system and it de-stresses me. There are different strains for going to work, you’d want to do Sativa or a hybrid. You don’t want to go do an Indica before you go to work. You’d be like, no. Yeah. There are smart ways to learn about cannabis. Then there’s always going to be those people who want to sink into the couch, but then people are finding better ways and microdosing with it and stuff. I started with microdosing just with a little one-hitter. That’s all I needed to be able to get through the laundry and dishes.
Emily: Yes. We don’t talk about it nearly enough, but cannabis is the savior of all chores. All chores suck until cannabis comes along, and then you’re like, “I can absolutely clean that sink full of dishes. I will mop that floor, and I might even dance while I’m doing it.”
Missy: That’s awesome.
Emily: I wanted to ask you a little bit more about your meditation practice because I find that when people use cannabis, they become more open to other natural practices, whether it be yoga or exercise, or eating healthy. Talk a little bit about your meditation and how that fits into your life.
Missy: I have to say it’s. First, it’s inconsistent, but I find that when I do the guided meditations, I have a lot more luck with that. You can engage in the words as long as I’m sitting up because I was diagnosed with ADHD, and we tend to be in that alpha brainwave all the time. I kind of daydream anyway. That’s why you can’t get us to pay any attention, so it’s easy for me and in a minute, probably less than a minute. I’m in the zone. It comes easily to me because I’m already in that state anyway. I wouldn’t recommend falling or laying down because you’ll fall asleep.
Missy: You’ll still get the benefits. But to me, meditation, if you just pray either prayer or meditation, however, you choose to do it, walk by the beach. You’re connecting with the Divine for that day, and you’re saying, “I’m here.” I want to have a relationship with you. Help me. And They, and according to the word anyway, you’re loved so much unconditionally by the universe that you’re going to get anything you can ask for. If you can get your head wrapped around that and believe it. Dare to believe it. Try to believe it and that all you need is just that, and doors start opening. You may forget about it and say it. You may even get mad. But what you meditate on, I think, is going to be what comes to you the fastest. What you share while you’re in that moment with Him. I do a lot of quantum jumping ones and stuff. Yes. Yes. I love it. I’m ready to get better. Yes.
Emily: It’s so fascinating, and I find that cannabis, for so many people, enhances everything else around you. It enhances meditation; it enhances your walk on the beach. It’s just one of those special things that make life’s good things even better.
Missy: Yeah, and if you’re good at sitting down, focusing, and having that routine, you’ll see some astounding results. If I can dabble and be like, okay, I’m stressed out. I need to meditate. That’s usually when I do it. But if I can get results with every now and then inconsistency, you can, if you can sit down for five minutes a day or 10 minutes a day in the beginning and self, consider it self-love.
Missy: I must do this because I must play by the laws of the universe. I must love myself more than everything else is going on. Make this time, and then you can; I’ve even found luck with “Okay, today, I’m going to make X amount of dollars.” I’m going to be in this station at work because I have two jobs and I work at Rainforest on the beach, which is cool.
Missy: That’s really close to bartending. Yes. Which is another wish. But anyways, I’ll set my intentions before I go to work, and I swear to God I’ll be in that station, and if I’m going to move to work hard, I’ll be like, “I want this station, and I want to make X amount of dollar after tipping out.” It’s weird, you guys, when you get good at it, it even works in the moment. And that’s what the cool thing is once you get to be friends with your mind, and your mind, the thoughts aren’t bombarding you anymore. You can have the space to dream for yourself basically. Without all that stress, just not letting up.
Missy: It’s clarity. Yeah, it’s just clarity. And with cannabis, I think you’re a level above. Literally a dimension above everybody else. You can perceive things that other people don’t see, and then you can in; it’s just wild. I think you’re there. You’re in that guidance zone. I think that’s part of the reason that it’s been illegal for a very long time. Is it very empowering?
Emily:Yes. They don’t want people to feel amazing. They need people to feel terrible to feed into the system. They don’t want people to make independent thoughts for themselves and feel empowered to take care of themselves. They want them to buy their pharmaceuticals and everything else, and it’s so unfortunate that we are keeping this from people because its life-changing. It’s amazing.
Missy: I think people who are like, I have a friend in Ohio who’s scared, excuse me, to try it for her child who has autism. I said, all my gosh, all the crazy stuff you’ve ever done, and you don’t want to try and help your child, like, calm down because she gets so hyper that bad things happen. I can’t believe this. She just wasn’t ready to expand into that. I’m like, you could have a lot of relief, with her calming herself down and she was striking herself. So, I’m like, absolutely. She won’t even try it. I’m like; it has the programming gone that deep so that people won’t even give it a try, and it’s so much relief and not be so miserable. Do you know how folks used to have martinis when they came in from work in the fifties? You can partaken if it’s legal where you are. Then that doesn’t take you right in, and you won’t have any blackouts or anything detrimental.
Missy: I don’t drink anymore because I don’t want to feel horrible the next day. I’m like, no, I don’t need that. I have what I need, too, that lightens my mood and doesn’t do horrible things to my body. I had a friend who lost; he had to get a whole new kidney and a whole new, what was it, something else? A liver. I used a tuning fork and tore for him and followed him on Facebook, and they got everything fixed. But that’s what happens when you over-drink. He ruined his liver; he ruined his kidneys and or one of them. How to get them completely replaced? You can’t just drink forever. Your body will run out. We must find a calming option that doesn’t make us get DUIs or, do horrible things, unspeakable things. I have beliefs about spirits being called spirits too, so I don’t like drinking like I used to, yeah. No.
Emily: If you are comfortable talking about it, do you have any advice for someone who may have been an alcoholic or an addict and is struggling with how does cannabis fit into the puzzle? Because we’re brainwashed to believe that cannabis is part of the problem when it, in so many cases, it’s part of the solution.
Missy: You nailed it because I entered myself into recovery in 2005, and I was polysubstance; I did anything. I think the underlying issue is people are scared to deal with those emotions. Ultimately, if you don’t let these emotions out, they’re going to poison your body. I think they’re going to manifest as cancer or a brain tumor or heart attack because you have a broken heart or you’re overdrinking, so you lose a kidney, like something is going wrong in the body somewhere.
Missy: Yeah, and it’s. I think it’s of an emotional source or a spiritual source, and when you start leaning into that direction of wanting to heal you, you’re probably going to want to make friends with God or the universe because I have. I went out there for 30 years. I was Christian when I was growing up and didn’t really realize the importance of taking prayer with me. For 30 years, I entered a relationship with a gentleman who was not of God or church or whatever, and then, over 30 years, not with the same person, but that’s what started it. I couldn’t think for myself. I was out there fighting against the dark forces that want to keep us from succeeding because I do believe there’s a force that wants to try to resist.
Missy: What’s going on the planet right now? I think that people are praying, and they’re bringing a lot of light and love in and that there’s a lot of stuff happening because of that, but anyways bring me back. What was the question?
Emily: Any advice for someone who might be a recovering addict who feels nervous about trying cannabis?
Missy: I think that you guys should make friends with that higher power first, in your own way. It doesn’t have to be formal, and I think that you should absolutely. Just maybe an easier way into it. I would have, if you’re in a place where it’s medical medically accepted and legal, I would go there to the dispensary and have someone teach you through that process.
Missy: What do you want? They are the specialists and know the strains. This one’s for anxiety. This one’s for insomnia. This one’s for your autistic child or whatever. They’re the people who used to be called potheads are now. The knowledge holders? Of all the strains. They’ve been studying it forever. Now, who’s going to help fix us? You know who’s going to help? I think cannabis is going to open a door to healing that. That is profound. One’s combined with mental health therapy and spiritual health. I think you need to treat the mental and the energetic body and the physical body, and then we can get it all back into balance.
Missy: And that’s why I’m in the tuning forks. I think you can balance your chakras and your meridians and deal with your spiritual stuff and get all that toxic stuff out from traumas in your childhood. You can quit manifesting from that vibration. I feel like it’s a frequency, you’re still that hurt person. I have issues from childhood, but I have gone into the darkness and faced all of that and understood. I live with a mental health therapist, by the way. Oh. Who’s amazing? And he has helped me. I wish for complete healing. And he’s got a master’s degree. He’s also a minister.
Emily: Oh my gosh. It’s like perfect for you.
Missy: I know it came into being; I couldn’t even believe it myself. He has helped me search every cracking corner. This is why you did this, because of your dad. Your dad taught you this. If you erase that belief system, you can be something instead of nothing. That’s the stuff I got back then. Now, I’m replacing those. I think cannabis has if you take cannabis and you work with positive people around you to rebuild you. I believe in neuroplasticity, which I know it’s a thing, but I think it’ll help accelerate it because every cell talks to every cell all day anyway. When you connect them with cannabis, I think electricity and thoughts can travel faster. More intuitively. I think you’re connecting both sides of the brain instead of just being. I’m heavily right-brained. I get lessons in the left brain, like paperwork and stuff. I can get better at those things, but cannabis will help you be flexible enough to say, you know what?
Missy: I got taxes to do today, and I hate paperwork because I can’t focus very long, but I’ll take it in bites, yeah. It’s not that I can’t do it if I. If I have my Delta eight, I’m like, you can do this. Break it down into little quantum bits, and then attack it. So that’s how I must look at my book too. There’s just so many things you can do to hack yourself and catch yourself and break habits, and that’s what has happened to me. I started, listening to those little things like you do it that way, turn it around and beat yourself to the point where you must do that. I can get ahead of myself, and I can think that way when I’m doing the cannabis. I’m expanded thinking, I’ve got a new idea. My creativity is insane. If I could act on it, yes.
Emily: So many people say they unlock their creativity that they have not explored in a very long time.
Missy: It’s cool. I think if you take, say, someone who partakes and they direct a movie, and then you take someone who doesn’t, you can see the difference. It’s like they’re really trying to help you improve and see things and plant seeds, and your consciousness tries and trigger you. You can do better. You can laugh more; you can have greater creativity, yeah, absolutely. I just think it’s a whole new culture unfolding, and I’m super excited.
Emily: It’s so exciting to be a part of it. I want to ask you one question if it’s okay with you. For anybody who’s listening in the audience who might be diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, what has your experience been like with cannabis? Is it helpful? Is it harmful? What is it? I know it’s different for everybody, but in your experience, how has it been?
Missy: I think it’s been great. After I had some negative experiences with it, with some bad people, and then I tried it in a positive environment, and I’m like, whoa, this is my cheeks hurt from laughing. And laughter’s like the best therapy. You could put anything wacky on and watch it, and you’re, it’s better than therapy or already in a state of joy. I think it helps people pursue joy more. Then absolutely. Instead of following. I don’t; it makes you discern between, I don’t want that situation, I want this situation. It helps you think through. But ADD is a super big challenge because now the one thing is it seems like I must really focus on where I was in a conversation. Especially when I’m like using something like a cannabis product because I’m like, “Okay, now you know not to talk too long and try to think in small sentences because if I get into a story, then I get out there and forget what my point was.”
Missy: Yeah. ADD is a challenge like that all the time. Some things you, if we’re made this way, you just can’t do anything about it. You must learn to live with it. And the best thing that I’ve ever learned is if you fall, you got to get back up. You get good at that when you have ADHD, and people look at you like they’re saying, dang man, that you really screwed that up. I’m like, no, I’m just going to keep on going. They’re really; you could tell the difference between someone who’s not forgiven themselves for making mistakes and me who keeps rolling no matter what, yeah. I’m pretty much a Capricorn determined now that I’ve gotten through this challenge period of the last two years, like my creativity, I’m in a safe environment. My consciousness is opened back up from survival mode, which is I can’t think about anything but surviving into, oh my gosh, I can be anything I freaking want now. It’s like you; even with ADD, and ADHD, you can write a book.
Emily: I am so proud of you, and as we wrap up this interview, I would love to talk about your book. We’re going to get there. I’m going to start with the four questions I ask everybody. Are you ready?
Missy: Am I ready? Yeah.
Emily: All right. Number one again, to date in your life, what are you most proud of?
Missy: I guess it would have to be the decision to leave Ohio. It was the best thing I ever did. If you have someplace that your heart is aching to move to. It’s going to heal you, and that’s why your soul is trying to get you. Listen, you need to be by the beach. Listen, you need to be by the mountains. That essence is what you’re looking for that peace. You’re searching for peace, and you don’t realize it because your life, mine, is nuts. 12 hours a day on Vyvanse, the stimulant that I was taking, it went nuts. And now I’ve learned to slow down. I think that it’s important to honor that self-thing in yourself to move and do it.
Emily: It’s beautiful. Look where it’s taken. You living your best life by the beach. It’s so exciting.
Missy: I’m one to walk off the beach in an apartment right now, but when I got here, and I was doing grocery deliveries, I was walking on the stairs at those beach houses that I have on my vision board, so I’m closer than I’ve ever been.
Emily: It’s so as close as you need to be. You can walk there. That’s it. You’re there. It’s amazing. I love that it came true for you. You put it on a vision board, and people talk about it, but you really did it, and it really came true, and I’m so happy for you.
Missy: When you do it, you’re going to be, you’ll be excited. Because it started happening like some, I did a short-term one, and that was a long-term one, and I did a short-term one. The short-term one started cranking. That’s what I was manifesting from, it is so exciting. It’s insane. And do a journal, too, because I did a manifestation journal, and my car got paid off and everything.
Emily: Amazing. You ask for what you want in this world, and you might just get it.
Missy: And the best thing is a new person because they’ll put it out there, and they won’t even care, and then it’ll come back, and I’ll be like, oh my God, that worked. And then you’re hooked.
Emily: Now, it brings us to our next question. What would your life look like if you never found cannabis?
Missy: I’m going to be honest, the first thought that came dead, I think I would be dead because when I left Ohio, my blood pressure was 160 over, like 110, and that’s bad, and I almost, I’m just going to say it, it’s going to be in the book. I think I almost had a nervous breakdown when I got to Texas because those panic attacks accumulated. I was still taking stimulants, and I just had a horrible experience. And then when I got out of that, I started using the Delta eight because of course, I didn’t. That’s what happened when I wasn’t doing cannabis.
Missy: See, I was taking stimulants. When I drove to Texas, I just took two or three in a row. I drove all the way through Texas. It’s insane. That’s what kind of shaped my mind was in. And then I got here, and I found Delta-eight and I was able to lean back a little bit and not be scared for my life anymore. When you go that far down into mental health, like being that scary. It doesn’t pass quickly. It takes time. And you must be very proactive. It’s like climbing a wall. You must keep plugging. That’s why I said I don’t think I could have survived if I didn’t have cannabis to calm my nerves. I think that those stimulants would’ve taken me over the edge, and I could have had a heart attack. I think that happened for a reason. When I got to Texas, I had to go off the stimulants because the public health system here does not give out any no opiates or stimulants at all. You must get a private practitioner for that.
Missy: So it keeps it out of people’s hands, so they don’t; in Ohio, there was a horrible opiate addiction problem going on. Probably still is, but because they were writing out scripts so freely. I’m just grateful that I didn’t die. That’s how I feel about that.
Emily: I am too. It’s beautiful, and I’m so glad that this plant came to you. It saved your life. It’s amazing. I’m so happy.
Missy: It’s been 99% of the reason I’m where I’m at right now is to gain my own thinking back. Because you must be gentle, you don’t realize how gentle, how delicate life is until you are on the edge of losing it. When you’re at the point, I was homeless for a couple of weeks too, and I couldn’t believe what, how I felt then how close to suicidal thinking and stuff.Because I’m like, I’m in a state by myself. My parents are passed, I have no siblings, I don’t have kids, and I’m homeless, and I’ve wrecked my car.
Missy: What do I do? And then the minister shows up, and I moved to Houston, so it’s going to all be in that book. But it’s very exciting because I can plug him if you need mental health care. He’s amazing. And he’ll help. Everybody. He’s just so tremendous and such caring, like Mr. Rogers.
Emily: Oh my gosh. I’m so glad that you found him. He found you; the universe put you together.
Missy: It’s definitely spiritual because I had two ministers in my family, and I’m like, I think I should be back to Christianity more than I think what some of the parts of my book is going to be from going to from witchcraft into Christianity again, because when I was out there with him, and I found out about spiritual things, and I put some things in emotion, and they worked.
Missy: I’m like, wow, okay, that got me out of there. But now you must give all that back and come back; you can’t serve two masters. That’s why I quit doing the cards. I was like; I feel like I’m opening portals and I don’t want to support that anymore. I want to help people realize not to do it, yes. You’ve got it all in here. Everything’s in here. But anyways, like I just. I want to help people and tell them how scary that is and not to do that. And it’s very hard to come out of.
Emily: So, our next question fits in. If you could sit down with yourself 10, 20, or 30 years ago and give yourself a piece of advice related to cannabis, what would it be?
Missy: Oh gosh. Probably not to listen to anybody else, to trust me. Excuse me. And if you’re talking about going back to the past, is that what you’re saying or, yeah. 30-year years ago, I would’ve probably. I could have probably been a lot better off smoking because I was an addict for 14 years, and I think that would’ve really helped me in my twenties.
Missy: I’m 50 now, so I dealt with all that addiction for 14 years because I wouldn’t talk about all this stuff that had happened to me in childhood. It was like a bomb getting ready to go off. And then 20 years, I’d have been like, yeah, you still got some work to do. You would’ve been like, I was in hair school, and that when I went to hair school was when I rediscovered cannabis, and we started pow-wowing again, and all this good stuff came out of it, and I was like, this can’t be a bad thing.
Missy: My ex made it seem bad, and the person I was with was also against it again, but I was like, how come when I have the most clarity and comfort? These guys didn’t want me to do it, but then I pushed past that. And then now, 10 years ago, I’d say you should have done it sooner. 10 years ago, I was dabbling heavily and thinking, still fighting with the person next to me over my own mental health. I would say ease your way into it. Get educated first, especially with edibles, and learn the different strains and fix your life. There’s a strain for every, for creativity, for sleeping. You can use cannabis in the morning, and in your coffee now is what I heard. California has coffee pods.
Missy: You can literally incorporate it into your life in such a discreet way. No one even must know that you’re doing it. I’ve been doing Delta-eight for a year and a half at the jobs I’m doing, and if I didn’t have it, I would’ve been still timid and scared of people. I must be able to say, “Hey guys, how are you doing today Welcome to Rainforest.” I get to be the experience that I had when I was a kid for those people. I want to be the happiest person when I walk up to that table. They’re blown away. I’ll take a picture for you guys; let me know restrooms that way, don’t walk in a kitchen; we’ll laugh at you.
Missy: Oh, I want to make people laugh, and I can’t get to that elevation without cannabis. It just brings out. You can tell everybody else is just robots in motion, and I found the slower I go and the more grounded I am with my people. Have you ever, you remember horror movies where the serial killer would just walk? And then the other person would like panic, and then they would just catch up to them. It’s more grounded, and I get the results I want when I go slower with my people. I think people around me are like, why isn’t she freaking out? Why isn’t she having a heart attack? Because she just got a double set.
Missy: I’m like, I just have my ways to communicate with people and they trust me and then I go do what I’m supposed to do in my own time. They know it takes me five minutes to go get a drink, it just makes my whole shift go smoother, and now that I’ve prayed myself into a job with the fair trade and I’m like, now I have on this wall, a wholesale license. I’m going to start a fair trade on Facebook. If anyone’s looking to help me out, I’m looking to make my first order and my credits are horrible. I’m literally making bracelets so I can fund my first order on Fair Trade so I can help people in other countries. Either that, or I’m going to do edibles with Delta-eight. I’m like, seriously, at this big crossroads right now.
Emily: I’m so excited. I’ll leave the link to your page so everybody can find and support you. That leads us to our last question, and I want you to talk about your book. But the last question is, if you could be remembered for one thing in the cannabis space, what would it be?
Missy: The thought that just came in was setting people free. Set your mind free and give your mental he mental health back to you. Don’t lay; let it lay in the hands of people who judge you for doing it. There are too many ways to help yourself discreetly. Now you know, you can go, don’t feel guilty about maybe going to work the first time after drinking that cup of coffee, because after you see your performance, if you can get past, everybody thinks I’m high, don’t be like that.
Missy: Proper strain, and you’ll go in and get yourself acclimated. Go to the grocery store; go do this. I’m not saying to go drive, ride with people. Be safe and explore your abilities on it. You’ll find that they are way more enhanced, way more colorful. What comes out of my mouth at those tables now shocked me. I’m like, “Oh my God, where’d that come from? Yes. It was like, yes. But it was funny, yes.” And people love it. I’m like, how could you take that from me? How could you take that kind of joy? Are people sitting around laughing in the proper environment? It’s time to laugh, and in that, if you can, just engage and release. It’s a conscious choice to release the past. You can live in this present moment, hanging out with your friends, doing what you do every day, and just coming home and living a simple life and flipping on some music, and then going to bed when you’re ready to go.
Missy: Life can be so simple. Yeah, and then we’ve made it complicated. And it’s if you can shut out all those voices that say, I don’t think you should do that, and then your own voice will prevent you from getting your own relief. And if it keeps, to me, if your intuition repeats over and over, that means do it. You should be doing it, and we’re going to beat down your door until you do it. Because even though we’re scared, that’s what’s going to take us to the next level, I think. Doing this was like, I don’t do Zoom. I’m scared to death of Zoom.
Emily: I’m so glad you did it with me. Thank you for being brave. I know it’s always hard to get on because you’re like, what did I get myself into? What is it going to be like? So, thank you so much for having the bravery to come here and talk with me. I think that people are going to listen to this interview and get so much from it, and they’re going eventually want to be like; I want to be like Missy. I want to see the better side of life. I want to see what the plant can give to me. I’m so thankful that you’ve shared everything with us today.
Missy: And when you give out my info or whatever, people, please feel free to reach out to me because I was where you are. In a scary place or maybe not where you want to be, whatever it is. Dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction is less than joy. Reach out to me with questions. I’m the kind of person I used to bartend. You can talk to me right over the bar about anything, yes. And that’s how I want my book to read, so people feel comfortable connecting with me.
Emily: Tell us a little bit about your book and what you’re working on, and what you hope for it to be.
Missy: Okay. This is funny because I’ve been wanting to write a book since I went to Toronto for a Hay House writer’s workshop extension, and we learned how to write book proposals there. I have had a book proposal sitting in my Google Drive for eight years now, waiting for me to write that book.
Missy: But I have been doing the JK rolling thing. I’m so busy with working that I’ll write. A complete memory down. I’ll put it; I have a little bag, I put it like a shoebox thing. Oh yeah. But it’s a bag, and I put all those pieces like I might have five or six pieces. I don’t want to forget to put this in. And that’s the stage it’s in right now. I don’t want to write the one that’s in there anymore. I want to write the one that has all this in it. I’m like; I have so many stories. I don’t want to forget this story. I don’t want to forget this story. I’m like waiting for that time and space to open. I wrote my book proposal 16 days before it was due. I didn’t have time off from the Warehouse where I was at. I had 16 days off, and I wrote that book, and oh gosh, I wrote the whole 66 pages. It just hammered out.
Emily: Oh, look at you. Congratulations.
Missy: I didn’t win that contest, but they give you a list of people who like publishing houses that will give you a chance, you can send in your proposal without an agent.
Emily: Wow. That’s a huge connection.
Missy: Yes. So, I’m like, what are you doing? You have your own answer right here, get on it. So that’s what I’m doing. That’s what stage it’s in. I want to self-publish and have it out by the end of the year, even if it’s just an eBook. I don’t care. I want to release it on my birthday.
Emily: We are to support you. When it’s ready, let us know. I’ll put it in the show notes so everybody can get to know your story. Thank you for sharing a piece of it with us here today. I appreciate it so much. Do you have any last words for our audience before we say goodbye today?
Missy: No, I think you’re a big blessing, and I’m so grateful that I found you because you gave me some extra hints in that, the recipe and stuff. I said, oh, if I hadn’t done that, I would’ve wasted everything. I had some preconceived notions, and I’m like, “Thank God there is somebody out there who can teach me how to do it” and then, I can go to the next level when everything gets legalized. It’s going to happen. You guys don’t give up. Just keep believing.
Emily: Yes. Oh my gosh. I’m so glad. And then the plant brought us together, and here we are having this conversation. Hopefully, it reaches the right ears of whoever is listening today and hearing your story and feeling inspired to give cannabis a try.
Missy: Yeah, it’s a great thing. And don’t let anything scare you.
Emily: Oh, thank you so much, Missy. I really enjoyed our conversation today.
Missy: Yeah, me too. Did you want me to leave a website quickly?
Emily: Yes, absolutely.
Missy: Right now, I’m just on Instagram and TikTok. I’m Missy Conley, 1972. And then my Facebook is Missy S Conley. It’s C o n l e y. You’ll see it there.
Emily: I’ll put the link in the show notes, so whoever’s listening can click it and get right on over to you. Thank you so much.
Missy: You’re amazing. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you.
Announcer: Congratulations, you’ve finished another episode of the Well With Cannabis Podcast and are one step closer to discovering how you, too, can live well with cannabis.
Thank you for listening in today. We hope this episode has been a helpful and informative one. Please visit emilykylenutrition.com for more information on today’s show, show notes, guest information, recipes, and other resources.
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