Are you working to try and calculate the amount of THC or CBD in your homemade cannabis creations? If you know the potency of your flower and how much you used, I can help with the math! Use my free edible calculator to help you guesstimate the potency of your edible recipes, topicals, and other homemade creations. 

Edible Dosage Calculator

Article Features

  • A free tool to help you estimate the potency of your edibles
  • Accounts for the loss associated with decarboxylation and your infusion or extraction material
  • Hate the math? Want to make it easy? Skip the hard work, order high-quality cannabis products from my shop, and have them delivered straight to your door โ€“ now shipping across the US!
A picture of Emily Kyles Bliss Products.

๐Ÿ“ฒ Use The Calculator Here

Step 1: Calculate Potency For the Entire Batch

In this first section, you can calculate the potency of your entire batch of an infused product, such as cannabutter or cannabis oil.

This large batch can later be used in your recipe using the second section of this calculator.

If you’re not sure what information to put here, scroll down and read the How to Use This Calculator section below.

Starting Amount of Cannabis Product in Grams
Type of Oil or Alchol Used
Amount of Oil or Alcohol Used in Cups
Account for the loss associated with Decarboxylation?
Check this box if you decarbed your product and want to account for the natural loss associated with the process.

Potency Results For The Entire Batch

Total mg of THC
Total mg of CBD
Total mg of THC per teaspoon
Total mg of CBD per teaspoon

Step 2: Creation Portions/Servings

In this section section, you can add the infusion or extraction you made in step one directly into any recipe.

Number of Teaspoons Used in Your Recipe
Total Number of Servings In your Recipe


Total mg of THC in entire recipe
Total mg of CBD in entire recipe
Total mg of THC in per serving
Total mg of CBD per serving

How to Use This Calculator

While a calculator is no replacement for lab testing, this tool will help you get a guesstimate of the potency of your cannabis infusions and extractions.

Unlike other online calculators, this calculator hopes to provide more accuracy by accounting for the losses associated with decarboxylation, infusion oils, or extraction solvents.

Before using this calculator, you will need to know two things:

  1. The amount of cannabis you are putting into the recipe in gramsremember, there are 28 grams in one ounce
  2. The percent of THCA / THC or CBDA / CBD present in your material – you can input other cannabinoids here if desired

If you have these numbers available, you can get started with the calculator below; the results are highlighted in pink.

Why You Will Love This Tool

Hello and welcome to my dosage calculator designed to help you estimate how much THC or CBD is in your edibles and homemade recipes. 

If you’re like the members of my Well With Cannabis Community – chances are you love making your own cannabis-infused edibles! 

Not only can you save money when you make incredible recipes at home, but you can also control the ingredients and strength of your edibles.

But how exactly do you determine the potency of your edibles? 

If you know the cannabinoid content of your material and how many grams of weed you’ve used, you can use this handy edibles dosage calculator to do the math for you!

This edibles calculator will then help you determine your own edibles’ CBD or THC content based on the number of servings made.

Not only does this help you determine the THC potency of your homemade marijuana edibles, but it also helps you avoid a dose that is too high, which could result in unpleasant side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t know how much cannabinoids are in my material?

This is the hardest part for many people! If you purchased cannabis flower from a licensed dispensary, that flower should be accompanied by lab testing, which shows the percent of THC or CBD in the flower. Unfortunately, different labeling regulations do not make this information universal. If you grew your own cannabis at home, knowing the potency of THC or CBD will be impossible without lab testing. You can, however, research strain guides that provide a general idea of the total cannabinoids in a specific strain.

Which number should I enter THC or THCA?

If youโ€™re working with dried cannabis flower that has not been decarbed, you will be inputting the value as THCA and checking the checkbox to account for the loss of decarboxylation if you decarb. Suppose you are working with a prepared cannabis product that already has THC present because it has already been decarbed. In that case, you will enter the value as THC and not check the checkbox to associate for the loss of decarboxylation (because it has already occurred). If you have both numbers, simply run the calculation twice, once for each option.ย 

How do I calculate the dosage for concentrates?

If your concentrate already comes with a milligram dosage on the label, you do not need to use this calculator. Simply divide the total THC milligrams by the final servings in the recipe you made. For example, if you have a concentrate labeled with 750mg of THC for the entire syringe and add that syringe to a cookie recipe that makes 24 cookies, you would use the following equation: 750/24 = 31.25mg THC per cookie.

Why are there different values for different solvents?

Great question! We are using different values to account for extraction efficiency. For example, olive oil will have a different extraction efficiency than coconut oil. A fat-based product will have a different level of efficiency than alcohol, which is what we are trying to account for here.

Does it matter what type of butter I use?

If you’re calculating the THC or CBD dosages for a cannabutter recipe, it shouldn’t matter whether you use regular butter or unsalted butter. What will matter is the amount of butter you use.ย 

What is a good dose to start with?

The correct dosage is unique to each person, as we all have endocannabinoid systems that control our tolerance level. If you have done the math above to calculate the total mg of THC but still feel unsure where to start, check out my guide toย dosing ediblesย safely and effectively. I recommend starting with the microdosing method. As a good rule of thumb, low doses of 1-3 mg THC are a good place to start. If you are feeling lost, you can also check out my beginner’sย guide to using cannabis. If you’re feeling and need to know you’re consuming an exact dose, my most popular edible product, Micro Gummies, can help you get started.ย 

What if I don’t feel the effects of edibles?

A segment of the population reports feeling no effects from cannabis consumed in edible form or only when a very high dose is consumed. This can depend on a variety of factors, including your individual metabolism, what you’ve eaten, the decarboxylation process, and the potency of edibles consumed. If you do not feel the effects of edibles despite consistent doses and correct time intervals, check out this guide. Ultimately, you may need to explore more efficient ways to consume cannabis, such as cannabis-infused oil used as sublingual tinctures.ย 

What if I consume too much THC?

My goal in providing this calculator is that you can avoid consuming too high of a THC dose. Consuming too much THC is uncomfortable and can alter your ability to perform basic functions. Adverse effects may include dry mouth, racing heart, and even a panic attack. That is why it is important to exercise a side of caution and use the right amount of cannabis before getting started. Seek professional medical advice if needed.

Do you have other calculators?

I have had requests for a topical dosage calculator and a tincture calculator. Still, this calculator here can work and is a great option for calculating total THC for both tinctures and topicals.ย 

Where can I learn more?

This calculator is for educational purposes only, but if you are looking for the best way to take your cannabis education to the next level, my Edibles Made Easy Course was designed for you! This course can transform any home cook into a cannabis chef in a few simple steps. Consider it your complete marijuana handbook for the kitchen!

Shop Now

About Emily

Hi, I’m Emily Kyle and I teach people just like you how to use cannabis to find joy, enhance productivity, improve relationships, and naturally support your overall health and wellness.

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  1. Hey Emily!

    Iโ€™ve been making tincture with 151 proof ever clear. My state doesnโ€™t selling 190 proof. Will that affect the potency? Also I have been buying shake from my dispensary, will that also affect the potency? Thank you!

  2. Hey Adam! I don’t have lab tests to compare 190 vs 151 proof, but I think you should be just fine – many people use 151. Also, shake may actually be more potent, so hopefully that helps!

  3. This calculator just might have saved me a really rough night. I wanted to make my pain creme a little stronger and then use the rest of the coconut oil to make brownies. I used 30grams of flower that was about 15% thc and I am glad I used this calculator so I can now cut them into 24 pieces, 12 pieces per batch might have put me in a coma.

  4. Hi Emily,

    I really liked your website and the calculator, it is very helpful.
    I smoke regularly for 10 years about 0.16 grams a day.
    I was told that you have to multiply by 4 the amount you smoke to know the amount of weed you put in a brownie.
    is it true? Because according to the calculation I wrote later, it sounds like it’s a lot.

    I want to make brownies for the first time for me and my friends (we all smoke regularly).
    I’m trying to figure out how many grams to put for 9 people.
    Our cannabis 0.1 >CBD
    THC 24.3%
    If I use 2 grams and make 9 brownies according to the calculation, I got 420 mg of THC
    Divide into 9 brownies, this is 46 mg per piece.
    Is 46 mg too much for one person?
    10 mg sounds too little to us for a brownie, maybe we’ll make 20 brownies from the 2 grams and if we need it after two hours and feel it’s weak we’ll eat another piece.

    I’d be glad to hear your opinion ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hey Shirkhan, thanks so much! I’ve actually never heard that before; this is new to me. From everything I understand, your tolerance for smoking has no correlation for your tolerance for edibles. This is because when you smoke, your body is processing THC, but when you consume edibles, your liver is converting THC into 11-OH-THC, which is a totally different animal. All bodies convert differently because of our unique digestive systems, digestive enzymes, and endocannabinoid systems. So my recommendation for ALL consumers is always to start low, with 5-10mg to start. This will allow you to gauge how you feel, without over consuming. Not saying that 46mg may not be a perfect place for you eventually, but it could be too much, and you don’t want to feel unwell by accidentally overconsuming. I hope this helps!

  6. Hi when calculating CBG do input that into the CBD section or THC section of the calculator.

  7. Hi Emily,
    I am completely new to making my own edibles. I just did a trial run without any THC with your recipe I made 48 pieces that were about 1 teaspoon each and 48 that were about 2 teaspoons. Iโ€™ve read this and tried using the calculator but I am still confused. I am having a hard time figuring out how much flower to use to infuse my coconut oil. Ideally I would like them on the stronger side 15-25mg each. What do you recommend?

  8. Hey Karina. If you have 48 pieces and you want them (average) 20mg each, you’ll need 960mg THC to start (48×20=960). Next, you will need to know the % THC in you’re starting material. If you don’t know that, an average number I will use for this example is 15% THC. At 15% THC, you will get 150mg THC per gram, so you will need 6.4 grams of flower (960/150) to get to your desired amount of 960mg THC total. I hope this makes sense!